Journal Policy

1. Publication in the Jordan Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is free.
2. The corresponding author must provide a signed declaration affirming that the manuscript has not been published or accepted for publication in another journal and should not be submitted to another journal. The refereeing process is over.
3. The editorial board can accept or reject any manuscript if it doesn't conform to the journal policy or publication criteria.
4. The journal's editorial board examines the submitted papers to check for plagiarism via plagiarism software (Turnitin). The similarity percentage should be no more than  20%. If it exceeds 20%, the manuscript will be rejected.
5. Upon receipt of feedback from the editorial board, the manuscript is subject to author revision before proceeding to arbitration, with the possibility of rejection should the editorial board perceive it as lacking validity.
6. Manuscripts undergo scholarly confidential peer review.
7. The submitted manuscript, meeting the journal's publication criteria, undergoes evaluation by two anonymous reviewers. Each reviewer is required to provide a report assessing the validity of the manuscript for potential publication.
8. The researcher adheres to citation regulations, utilizes primary sources for references, and upholds the ethical standards of scientific publishing. The journal reserves the prerogative to decline manuscript submissions and return them to the author in case of ethical conflicts about scientific research.
9. The journal retains the authority to request the researcher to revise the submitted paper, or specific sections thereof, to align with its publication guidelines. Furthermore, the journal may enact formal modifications commensurate with its editorial standards.
10. In the case of manuscript rejection, the corresponding author will receive a notification through the system.
11. Manuscripts declined by the journal's editorial board are ineligible for further consideration within the journal's processing procedures.
12. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are not to be returned to authors, regardless of whether they are accepted for publication or declined.
13. The researcher can track the progress of their manuscript's publication process by accessing their account on the journal's website.
14. All critiques, deliberations, and remarks regarding the manuscript must be conducted via the researcher's account on the journal's website.
15. The editorial board of the journal has the authority to determine the priority of manuscript publication.
16. The views articulated in the published manuscript solely represent those of the researchers and may not necessarily align with the standpoint of the journal.
17. When submitting the manuscript through the system, the researcher must disclose in their cover letter to the editor whether the study originated from a master's or doctoral thesis.
18. The editorial board retains the authority to request revisions from the researcher even after the researcher receives the acceptance notification.
19. The editorial board has the prerogative to withdraw the manuscript's acceptance and publication in instances where the researcher fails to implement requested changes or breaches the ethical standards of scientific inquiry.
20. The journal expresses regret for its inability to consider a manuscript that contravenes the guidelines, requirements, and regulations about publication and documentation within the journal.