
The researcher must commit to using a formal journal template without making any changes to it and to take into account that the scientific manuscript should consist of the following:
1. Manuscript title, name of the author (s), information of the author (s), and email of the corresponding author.
2. The abstract, a concise summary of the manuscript, plays a pivotal role in helping readers determine the study's relevance. It should include the study's objectives, methods, instrument,  sample, significant results, and recommendations. Importantly, the abstract should not exceed [250] words and should not contain any documentation or statement of the statistical treatments used in the study.
3. Keywords: keywords should not be more than  (3-5) words that express the areas covered by the study, and they must be placed at the bottom of the abstract.
4. The body of the manuscript should include the following elements:
- Introduction: it should include the following sections: the introduction, the  problem, the  purpose, significance, objectives and limitations of the study
 Note: Previous studies should be included in the introduction and importance section.
- Methodology and Procedures: The submitted manuscript should contain the methodology details, the selected sample, the instrument, the procedures, and statistical analysis.
The findings: The results and discussion sections should be stated in one section, with the results presented first, followed by analysis and then the discussion.
Conclusions and recommendations.
The 'List of sources and references' is a critical component of the manuscript, as it validates the study's credibility and allows readers to explore related work. It should be comprehensive, including all sources referenced in the manuscript, and follow the APA style for citation. 
5. Tables should be inserted in the body of the study and numbered sequentially according to their occurrence. Their titles should be written above them in Times New Roman font and bold font size (11).
6. The texts within the table should be in Times New Roman font and size (10) bold for column headers and (10) regular font for table text.
7. Graphs and illustrations should be inserted in the body of the study and numbered sequentially. Their titles should be written under them in bold font size (11).
8. The side and inner lines of tables, figures and drawings should be deleted.
9. All study parts should use Arabic numerals (1,2,3).
10 . Single-space lines should be used.
11. The manuscript page should be inserted in the centre of the bottom margin of each page.
12. The font type in the body of the manuscript should be Times New Roman font (12).
13.  The title of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman font and size (14) in bold type.
14. The name(s) of the author(s) should be in Times New Roman font, and the font size is (12) in bold type.
15. The author's bio should be in  Times New Roman, and the font size is  (10) and in bold type.
16. Authors are requested to provide a separate title page with the title of the submitted manuscript, (co-)author names, affiliations and their full contact details, and full references to their work anonymously quoted in the manuscript.
17. Leave margins for the manuscript as follows: (1) inch from the top and bottom, (1.5) inches for the right and left sides.
18. The journal follows the rigorous APA style for citing references, ensuring a thorough and comprehensive review process. This commitment to quality and accuracy should give authors confidence in the publication process.
19. Authors shall attach a copy of the research instruments used in the study if not included in the appendices.