Chief Editor Message

Jordan Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

I am pleased to welcome you to the launch of the Jordanian Physical Education Journal and Sports Sciences (JJPESS), initiated this year by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund. The journal was launched at the Coaching and Sport Management Department of the Hashemite University. We are proud to be the first scientific Journal in Jordan with this speciality for publishing scientific articles related to physical education and sports. The (JJPESS) is a classified, peer-reviewed, and indexed journal that publishes articles in both Arabic and English Languages. The journal has a paper and electronic publishing.
JJPESS is dedicated to rapidly disseminating high-quality research papers on Physical Education and sports.  We are delighted to receive research papers from Jordan and internationally. We focus on receiving highly specialized and distinguished research papers. The review and evaluation process for submitted papers goes through a careful and transparent review process. All submitted research papers are reviewed by a specialized editorial team, classified, and transferred to subject matter experts for their opinions and feedback.
Authors, reviewers and guest editors are always welcome to contribute. We also welcome comments and suggestions that could improve the journal's quality. We hope to receive the submitted research papers by the beginning of May 2024.
During the journal's launch, we consulted global subject matter experts in various relevant research areas. We look forward to being listed in Scopus, Clarivate, and other international publishing entities.
On behalf of the editorial team, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our journal's readership. We wish to encourage more contributions from the scientific community and practitioners to ensure the journal's continued success


Chief Editor

Professor  Abedalbasit Alshorman